HP Palmtop Computer General Links:
The Palmtop Network | The HP 200LX Headquaters : here you are certain to find most of the information, links and software on available for HP Palmtops. |
HPLX.net Command Centre | Here you can search the HPLX-L archives from September 1996 to August 2003. Here you can always be sure to find the answer to your question and more. If the archives still don't answer your question you can simply email your question and you can be sure if there is an answer out there, you'll get it! |
The HP Palmtop Paper Online Table of Contents | Everything on the HP200LX : Knowledge, Products and Service. It has archives that consist of 9 years, 100's of pages of HP Palmtop Paper, jammed with tips, reviews and how-to's, links to the most useful, up-to-date Web sites devoted to the HP 200LX, downloads/Direct links into 1000's of pieces of Palmtop software and much more... |
HPLX.net Affiliates | HPLX.net 200LX Information Centre have collected some hot palmtop links and gathered them up under their nameserver so they can quickly redirect you to a site without the (sometimes) ugly URLs. |
HP Palmtop Web-Rings | This is the HP Palmtop Ring, a collection of WWW sites which contain information about the portable and useful palmtop PCs made by Hewlett-Packard. Explore into software, documents, and pictures. Find out how many people benefit from many features of HP Palmtops. If you want to join the Ring, please visit the homepage and make sure you fulfill the requirements. |
HP Palmtop Computer Supplies & Software Links: | |
Daniel Hertrich: Palmtop Index | Daniel Hertrich, a Electrical Enigineering student, shares his knowledge on some general and technical info, the hardware and software of HP palmtops. |
D & A Software for 100/200LX | D&A Software is committed to provide high quality tools to enhance productivity and ease your work. They believe that mobile computing is a major step in that direction. Therefore, they focus on software for highly mobile computer users. The HP Palmtops are currently the most powerful and versatile mobile computers and they have chosen them as their main platform. |
Times 2 Tech | Here you will find information on memory and speed upgrades and different adapters for your palmtop LX Palmtop. |
The LX Map Collection | The LXMap is a city map viewer that uses LXPIC as its display engine. You can make your own custom maps and the program will show you where on the map the street is located. Very fast and helpful. Here is a whole page that acts as a collection point for any user-submitted maps and graphics to use with the program. |
GDBWin in English | A Windows-based program that lets you view and edit your Palmtop database, Note Taker and PhoneBook files on most desktops and laptops. |
BUDDY | A Keyboard Companion for the HP100LX/200LX Palmtop Computers - This site contains a Summary of 100/200Buddy, a on-line user's manual, a version 3 change summary, release 3.0b notes, frequently asked questions about Buddy, screen images, software, files, support and it shows you how to register. |
an EXP Product |
A one-of-a-kind PCMCIA fax/modem and flash memory card combined, ThinFax 336LXM is designed exclusively for the HP 200LX. |
HPLX Camera - Toshiba PDR-2 | The PDR-2 works well as a 200LX companion. Its small size, large picture capacity, and quick PCMCIA transfer, all lend themselves to taking pictures on the run. |
Palmtop Bids @ EBay | Here you can search for Palmtops that are For Sale. Just type in the word Palmtop and it will display all the palmtops available to bid on. Start bidding...a palmtop is a Great Investment! |